Delete Large System error logs records

Delete Large System error logs records


for large Log files (over 1 million records)  When we select the  "delete all" button in the system log viewer in the support tab the system Crashed ! 

So How can  we delete these large  log files? 


we can delete them from database using a query. 


1- check Database type and connect to it .

navigate to folder : manageengine\Servicedesk\bin > 


if the database is postgres : 
connect to it 
psql.exe -U sdpadmin -p 65432 -d servicedesk -h
password : sdp@123

if the database is MSSQL: 
connect to it 
mysql.exe -u root -P 33366 servicedesk

2- execute the following Query.

  servicedesk=# delete from errorlog;

To delete the error log entries which are older than 60 days for example , please execute the following query.

delete from errorlog WHERE DATE_PART(('day',(NOW() - to_timestamp(OCCURREDTIME/1000))) >60;

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